
team aristocrats

so the co-ed flag football season is upon us, and team aristocrats is ready for war. we have our first games, a double header, tomorrow night. more details to come...



i love tivo. not a big fan of generic watching of t.v., necessarily, but tivo is good stuff. i am one of those people that can't stand to watch more than an hour or two of t.v. in a day, and this includes watching the news while i run at the gym. i think we should get off our tails and get outside, read, etc. but yes, all that said, i am still a fan of tivo. it allows me to get in and watch the few things i love, then jump back out of t.v. land and enjoy something else.

i am a fairly young person. i never dreamed (as i walked across the room when i was young to change the t.v. from gilligan's island to the dukes of hazzard) that i would be able to not only do this remotely at some point, but be able to rewind it, record it while i'm not there, fast forward, etc.

i have a tivo, and i use it often. but i really realized it's power at the curb your enthusiasm (greatness, by the way) season premiere party i went to sunday night. it was during this party that i realized that we are so spoiled, many of us now have not only a t.v. in every room, but seperate tivo boxes in each room, creating the ability to record A LOT of t.v. i have not yet reached the spoils of having tivo in every room, and don't know that i want to (hence my previous soapbox of getting away from the t.v.), but i have to say, somewhere inside of me i was thinking, wow, that's pretty cool.



well, i sold my tickets to austin city limits, but the good news is, i also was able to score some tickets to coldplay friday in dallas...so i'll still be able to sit out on a lawn and see them live!

i did receive an acl update in my inbox this afternoon, and i must admit, i had a tear come to my eye as the realization that i am really going to miss it hit me. but then again, i could have driven to austin, lost my cash on the tickets, and still not been able to go (with pending rain from rita)! so i'm feeling good about my decision.

i know you were all really holding your breath. haha.

what to do, what to do, acl...

so, hurricane rita is going to strike the coast. i hear that this is rain or shine, but how much rain is too much, and do i want to have to worry about it??? what is a girl with a sold out, austin city limits ticket to do? i love acl, and i am heartbroken, but...

craig's list.

i'm not a gambler, i'm going for selling the ticket to the person that wants to take the chance on eating it, or being rained on in order to enjoy it. i'll buy coldplay tickets for dallas and sit on the lawn friday night, thank you, very much.

i know i may eat my words, but what a pain to drive all that way and face the possibility of not even being able to go?

thank you, bono for scheduling your event indoors. U2, 38 days away!!! can't wait to enjoy the night with my four favorite band members and 3 favorite "other" people...


highland park pharmacy

my great friend, meg introduced me to the soda fountain at h.p. pharmacy years ago in college. walking in, you don't expect much, but immediately realize the charm and history that makes this place take a special spot in your heart. there is typically a line out the door, loads of families, kids, adults, seniors, you name it, lined up on stools at the counter. all God's creatures enjoy a shake and a grilled cheese.

i just took my brother, sister-in-law(josh and joy) and mom for their first pharmacy experience, and i must say, it was a good time. watching people i love take in and enjoy a place that i have grown so fond of was really f-u-n. it's so great sharing hidden little jewels like that with newbies.

and i must say, i enjoyed my ham and grilled cheese, lime freeze, and a little bit of mom's chocolate shake...come to think of it, i need to go for a jog...



on 9.8.05 i mentioned here that mr. brown might have been a bit underqualified for his position with FEMA.

1. this is now the headline.

2. i don't see this as his fault...i mean, if you are told you are qualified, do you really give up a job as a part of the white house administration? do you tell the president, "no, i'm not qualified?" i hope that YOU do, but apparently most don't...and they might exaggerate to get there, "assistant to the assistant city manager with emergency services oversight." oh, but who hasn't exaggerated on their resume? isn't it the interviewer's (FBI's) job to check that out?!?!?

3. after 9-11 did we not realize this was an important position?

i don't say this to take any of this lightly, i am devastated and pray that we all pay more attention to these roles that didn't mean as much to us ten years ago...friends, it's time to pay attention.

monday mornings

after a wonderful weekend spent with family out of town, it is so difficult to come back to normalcy and work and all that goes with it. i'm getting that itch for a vacation, and mine was blasted away from me last week when i was told that "we are too busy for you to take your vacation next week." i scheduled these few precious days 4 months in advance, and now "we are too busy."

does that make any sense to anyone else? oh well. i looked at my calendar and realized austin city limits is the following weekend and had a thought. i got on the horn with the assistant and put in days for the following week to get out of town early and rest after ACL...heehee.

we'll see how this goes. humor me people, this is my only form of deviance anymore.



michael brown: FEMA director and "assistant city manager with emergency services oversight"





hey, i guess if you are going to lose, it's best to lose early? ouch, that tcu game was embarrasing. sooner fans, i think we need to pull for bomar as the starter. not that my opinion matters, but what do you guys think? actually, i think i don't want to talk, hear, or think about it again. i am just looking on to next week and praying that stoops pulls the team together and gets that offensive line pulled together. geez.

oh well...at least i got to go up to norman, enjoy some time in a lovely little college town and have queso at the mont.



as i walked through a parking garage this morning (keep in mind, i live in dallas), i noticed that seven cars in a row had "W" stickers, one had a "kick their ass and take their gas"sticker (classssssy), and one had a "you cannot be both a christian and a democrat" (this was my second siting of this one). and since i refuse to put bumper stickers on my car, i have decided to post them to the world-famous blog as a form of "getting back" at those people.

i really wouldn't dream of putting these stickers on my car, and i am not really trying to make any statement about my political views (although the bumper sticker viewpoints i saw this morning i loathe). i put these on here to draw attention to how outrageously idiotic it is that these types of stickers exist, number one. number two, that people put them on their cars!!! now i don't want to receive hate mail from those of you with the "W" stickers on your cars, this is not aimed at you. i say this to those people that are trying to make some sort of hateful, idiotic, blanket political or religious statement with a dang bumper sticker (no matter which "side" you are on).

to you, the bumper-sticker-theology-professor, if you are out there reading this blog, i'd like to let you know...you have succeeded. i'm annoyed.