
where has the time gone??

"where has the time gone?"

i keep seeing those words on Facebook posts today. for so many, today is the first day of school. some friend's or family member's little baby is now a kindergartner, fourth grader, middle-schooler, high school student, senior, or (GULP) college student.

deep down i look forward to those days in so many ways (for my kids sake, not really mine - let's be honest, it will be so HARD!). i loved school, especially the first day - seeing friends, new outfits, school supplies, the start of sports, student council, and a year full of possibility. and i know how much fun my kids will (i hope!) have with their school days as well.

thankfully for me (link, haha), kindergarten is still three years away (being a sept b-day, he won't start until he is about to turn six). in my mind i think how far off that sounds, that we have all the time in the world for play dates, lunch dates, just fun days filled with being together. but in my heart i know how fast these days will fly, and all too soon school will be upon us and baby sister on-the-way will be link's current age. so hard to believe.

i truly look forward to every stage of life and do my best to take it all in as it comes. but i'm not gonna lie, this one is a pretty spectacular one and the thought of it passing so fast scares the heck out of me. then in the same breath i think of all we have to look forward to...all the wonderful memories of my own childhood, and that i can't wait for my kids to experience all these years hold in store. what a true blessing, a true gift from God, to have the ability to be a part of our little people growing into big people right before our eyes, loving, learning, discovering, and just becoming on their own.

link and baby sister, i promise to be right here for you through it all, pray for you without ceasing and love you oh-so-very much every single step along the way. it's going to be a REALLY fun ride!!!!!


pimpics and potty

the pimpics or pimpalympics (we hear both, pimpalympics are my fave.  you might know them as the olympics) are big at our house right now.  link is a fan and so are we. we've been watching more than usual since he enjoys it and it is about 112 degrees outside. our own olympic efforts have all been in making some strides toward potty training, which really just means there is a lot of naked soccer (just link, don't worry) and puddles on the floor. he loves the idea of big boy underwear, goes EVERY TIME you put him on the potty, but just can't seem to stay dry or tell us he needs to go in between. ah, such is life. he will get it down someday.  :)

august in dallas means movies, watching pimpics, swimming, spray park-ing, and lots of visits to the children's museum, sonic, the library, playing in water hose in the front yard, and every open gym that dallas has to offer. we love A/C, cold drinks and water!!!

he finished up "summer session" at school last week, these are the pics of "graduation" a year apart.  baby turning into boy. i REALLY hope his teachers do this every year.  so cute.  mama in tears.  :(

with hunny and papa on papa's 70th birthday, killing time reading books and doing puzzles at bookmarks before ice age 3.

headed out for some chick fil a in half a set of spiderman pj's and my red heels.  haha, don't worry, future spouse, i'll hang on to this one for the wedding.  and the next one, too...

naked-soccer-potty-training-pimpics. you aren't familiar? well come on over, link can teach you.

ice age 3, in 3-D - woohoo!

31 weeks!!!

as of my last appointment, dr h was sending in the paperwork to get a "set" due date for the c-section (aka baby girl's arrival!). of course there is the chance of something happening before that date, but it will be nice to have a date set that we know she will be here! looks like we are looking at september 28th or oct 1st, right around 39 weeks. link's b-day is september 25th, so when i tell folks my kids are three years apart, i won't be stretching it a bit.  :)  how hilarious would it be to have kids with the exact same birthday? at this point i almost wish we could, if it's this close we might as well make it exact, right?  haha.