
i remember...

a time not so long ago...

when i said i will never:

- stay home on a weekend night (haha...and i thought i would hate it. that's even funnier.)

- not be a totally focused career-woman (hiiiii, link!)

- put my kid on a schedule, b/c isn't that so annoying?! haha. (can i also say how thankful i am for "healthy sleep habits, happy child"??? maybe the best book ever!? dr, weissbluth, we love you.)

- work-out in the mornings...(coming from the woman who now runs at dawn and gets to the gym the moment the childcare opens. at 8am. :))

- continue in my baptist-raised tradition with my own family (if you know me well, you can ask...it's been a long journey over the last year...fair to say, i'm baptist. an apathetically democrat voting, not-your-typical-baptist, but none-the-less, baptist, mama)!

and so much more. life has changed a lot, and really most all of it has been good. :)

but so much has changed so quickly. and not that i was ever the type to tell other parents, friends, family, how to live their life or raise their kids, but inside i had my own thoughts and opinions on the above and so much more. it's amazing, the more i give of myself, the more i discover about myself...and the more i let go and give, the more i learn. i know that i have by no means figured it all out, but it is nice to see myself discovering new things. i just gained another year and can't wait to see all that is in store for me to learn. on my own, with my family, and with my friends. i love and am thankful for you all. :)


Meggan and Trent said...

Katy, I don't think I have ever commented on your blog before, but I found it through Holly's. This is all so true - isn't it amazing how such a little person can change your life. :)

Chrisann said...

I think the 30's are such a great time of getting comfortable in your own skin and beginning to grasp what is really important in life. I love hearing about your journey and I love you!

Anonymous said...

Good post, my guess is you'll be voting republican by 2016...

"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." - Winston Churchill. It's overused, but its still a strong quote....

Great halloween costume, BTW. Wyatt

klp said...

Thanks peeps. And Wyatt, you can dream, kid. But as long as there are tea party-ers, I'll be distancing myself at all costs!

kinsey said...

it makes me laugh that you thought you wouldn't like staying home on the weekends! scott and i were so excited to have a REASON to stay home and not go out!! ha!