
two-year old words

fair warning:  baby-book-grandparent-loving style post!

kids say the darndest things.  yesterday link asked me if it was saturday.  i said no, that it was thursday and we needed to get moving out the door for his last day of school.  he looked sad and said, "but saturday is for parties!"


you people and your lavish, wonderful kid's birthday parties are making my kid think saturdays are an endless stream of balloons, birthday cupcakes and bounce houses!!  haha.  that cracked me up.  and if i haven't rsvp'd for your kid's party, don't worry, we'll be there, link wouldn't miss it!  :)

my parents always talk about the funny things we said as kids, and i always think it's fun to hear, like how i said "el-e-bow" instead of "elbow" (still think it sounds better that way, but i give in, it's elbow).  now i know am going to miss a lot of these and will probably come back and add to this post for the sake of his future baby book, but i want to write down a few.

my personal favorite is motorcycle.  it is a hot topic in our house and it is pronounced: 

shapes, specifically, triangles top the list of things he finds in everything and points out to us.
but it's not triangle, people, it's "tri-dang-gu-gle."
in fact, future daughter in my belly, that is one of his favorite choices for your name.  triangle pritchard.  wow.  he also likes spidermanchoo-choo train, and tree.  mama's here for ya, babe.  it won't happen.  fear not.  :) 
giraffe - "fraff"
chick-fil-a - "flay"  (as in bobby?  is he gonna be a chef?  or is it just that chick-fil-a is THAT good?)!  :)
baseball - "peeeeeaaaace-ball"
football - "aughtball"
water - "wawers"
chocolate milk - "chocolate NILK!"  (always screams the last part and puts a whole lot of emphasis on the "n" in milk - haha)  :)

those are a few of my favorites.  sadly, they are starting to already be fewer and fewer, as he is slowly realizing the true pronunciation of most words.  but i had to write down a few so i can remember!

it's funny to me that just two years ago i was writing month-by-month posts about rolling over, eating rice cereal, and sleeping through the night.  now he is climbing trees, telling stories, playing ball, and generally acting like a rowdy little boy.  unreal!

we forgot about the 2.5 year check up (which we realized when we went in for a busted open chin!) and now aren't going in until 3 - but here are a few current stats, as i want to be able to see how he and little sis compare later on:

wearing 4-5T in tops, 3T shorts/pants, and shoe size is 10.  he is 40.5 inches tall and i'm not sure on his current weight.  last i checked he was about 37 lbs, (but that was several months ago).

recent pics!

he and daddy learning about tea parties at PB kids - all for you, lil sis!  :)  what a HILARIOUS sight.

swing time with daddy at abbott park

arboretum - chihuly exhibit.  awesome.

a brief, all too brief these days, moment of rest.

20 week belly pics (above @ 20 weeks and below @19 weeks)!  getting big already!  eeeek!  it's gonna be a HOT summer!  below: link wasn't as amused as i was.  i was trying to get him to reach down and touch the belly.  he is rolling his eyes.  boys.  anyway, the above is my self-belly-20-week-portrait in the mirror during nap time.  i never took any belly pics last time so i am going to try and do better this go-round.

i'm feeling good at 20 weeks.  i'm definitely feeling (and looking!) pregnant, but the weather is still pretty nice and i've been resting fine, still able to run and work out, and generally doing good.  halfway there!  can't believe it's summer - and come early fall, little baby girl will join us.  it will be here before we know it.  i can't wait to meet her - and no, we don't have her name yet!  HELP US, because her brother is clearly not the one who will name her - haha!  


yarger gal said...

great post and good for you to document those hilarious "words".

callie is insanely terrified of squirrels and chipmunks or "munk-munks" as she calls them.

oh, they are soooo entertaining!!

glad you are feeling good. excited for link to be a big brother. they really are the best...but, you already know that.


kinsey said...

He's huge! Hank is just now 30 lbs...he was at 28 forever! And he's wearing 18 mnth shorts. Ha. Anything else falls right off. He can wear 2T if they have adjustable waists. And his feet are 8/9. It's just funny to me because I always picture them very similar but link would clearly stomp Hank ;). He's precious. And I want more baby posts too! What names are y'all thinking? Love names. I'm brainstorming!