

as i walked through a parking garage this morning (keep in mind, i live in dallas), i noticed that seven cars in a row had "W" stickers, one had a "kick their ass and take their gas"sticker (classssssy), and one had a "you cannot be both a christian and a democrat" (this was my second siting of this one). and since i refuse to put bumper stickers on my car, i have decided to post them to the world-famous blog as a form of "getting back" at those people.

i really wouldn't dream of putting these stickers on my car, and i am not really trying to make any statement about my political views (although the bumper sticker viewpoints i saw this morning i loathe). i put these on here to draw attention to how outrageously idiotic it is that these types of stickers exist, number one. number two, that people put them on their cars!!! now i don't want to receive hate mail from those of you with the "W" stickers on your cars, this is not aimed at you. i say this to those people that are trying to make some sort of hateful, idiotic, blanket political or religious statement with a dang bumper sticker (no matter which "side" you are on).

to you, the bumper-sticker-theology-professor, if you are out there reading this blog, i'd like to let you know...you have succeeded. i'm annoyed.

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