
it's a beatiful day.

there are days that creep up on you out of nowhere and make you feel happy to be alive. today, friday, january 26, 2007, is one of those days that makes you sooo happy you live in texas. for weeks we have had brrrr cold weather, ice, rain, grey skies...but today we were given a little glimpse of the spring that is upon us, and let me tell you, i CANNOT WAIT!!!

it is 65 degrees, the sky is blue and clear...leaving my desk at noon, i was planning to go home and eat lunch, watch some tube, same old blah. but today i couldn't resist. i raced home, threw on shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed norman, and went for a run. it was GLORIOUS. we raced around the park, jogged along the trinity river, chased ducks and squirrels (yes, we both did...it is fun, you should try it sometime), and came home to play with mckenzie in the backyard...

thank you God, for this beautiful day!!

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