
YAY - the death of the cancer stick is upon us!

finally, the citizens of dallas are catching up to the rest of america. dallas is currently the largest major city in the U.S. without a smoking ban. bring it on, i say!! the rest of us don't want to inhale that filthy garbage, you can take it outside, smokers! oh, and stay 15 feet away from the door, please, while you are at it...

After months of consideration and debate, the Dallas City Council is poised to ban smoking in bars, billiard halls and most areas within 15 feet of a business entrance.

read the entire article here - 'city council poised to approve smoking ban'

i will say when i read "poised" to ban smoking i was a little disappointed. jay had sent me the article and i wrote back, "poised? i don't want poised, i want DONE!"

can you tell i am just a teeny bit excited about this?!?

***update - as of 3:30pm today, the dallas morning news is reporting it is official! the smoking ban passed!!! holy moly i am happy!


Jill Atkinson said...

yippee!!! i am disgusted that i once partaked in the nastiest habit on planet earth and am eternally sorry for all the people who suffered because of an immature idiot(me) wanting to be cool! ugh

Jill Atkinson said...

email me your address so i can send you a christmas card :)
jillwatkinson at yahoo.com

Unknown said...

man...that post makes me want a marlboro light.