
the days and weeks are flying by and we are heading into the final weeks of this whole pregnancy shin-dig.  we went for a very eventful (as everything jay is included in seems to be) tour at the maternity wing of the hospital recently. let's just say that jay isn't exactly a fan of things involving hospitals, blood, pain, etc...he's more nervous about labor and delivery than i am! but anyway, we suddenly realized that it is time to get on board with putting together the nursery and really getting ready for our baby boy.  

so to assist us, my sweet parents came over this week and helped us take down/put up furniture, then we received and placed the rug we had ordered, and started to get things put together for link.  it's been hard to squeeze all this baby organization and planning into our already hectic schedules, but somehow we manage.  :)  kidding, we are so excited, it's not hard at all.  we even went this weekend for jay to get a lesson on the two things he is most excited about...the bob revolution and the baby bjorn.  hilarious.  i swear, that bob pops up from the fold-down position like some sort of spaceship from the jetsons...crazy (go to about the 3:15 marker and watch for a couple seconds, you will see what i mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuoMAjO8p2c)!

so we are not totally together, but things are starting to look good.  we should get the glider and ottoman in the next couple of weeks, and then i feel like the room will have started to look complete.  now, to prepare the two of us for childbirth and all that comes after...whew!

i added some pics of us getting the furry friends acquainted with the nursery.  we try to use link's name a lot and make sure the pups know that this is a room where we remain calm and sweet.  hopefully a little prep work will pay off later! i didn't take too many pics since we still haven't completed the room, but i will add more once it starts to come together a bit more in the coming weeks, i promise!


kinsey said...

so fun. our nursery is a work in progress as well. i'm ready for it to be done.

curious about the tour you took of the hospital...we are very familiar with presby (Scott's sister had 4 kids there and we were there for all of them) but he's nervous that he doesn't know where anything is at baylor. we aren't taking any classes, just want a tour. is that what you did?! will you email me info if you have a chance?! thanks!


Jill Atkinson said...

looking good! now, comes the exciting part! PUSHH!!!