
owen and link, big buds!

sweet link, post bath - he LOVES bathtime

things are going well with our new pup. we officially adopted him as of monday after our trial run. he is really sweet, so laid back, and seems to be getting along well and happy with us. link is starting to notice the dogs, he either smiles or laughs when he sees them or they lick him. so sweet. ; ) in keeping with the theme of sooner-named dogs, we are going with the name owen (for owen field, where the sooners dominate! or if you like, for owen wilson, after all, they are both blonde. haha) for this pup. it sounds enough like his old name that he recognizes it and we think it's cute. we feel 100% confident that norman would totally approve of owen to take care of us. and that he will, i am sure. such loyal and sweet guys.

link is charging on like a champ. he is starting to get a more regular schedule and still sleeping great (usually from about 8 or 9pm to about 7 or 8am). everyone tells me i am lucky that he sleeps so well, and i say i'll take it! he and i have both had stuffy noses this week, but seem to be coming out of it slowly. wanted to share my favorite - watching them fall asleep (of course) but then the moment when their little paci slips out, and they continue the motion like they are still sucking on it. OH MY GOSH, so adorable. gosh, i could just eat him up, can you tell?? he is so happy and we are enjoying him more every day - i swear he gets cuter every second!

bad quality pic - but wanted to show mckenzie cuddling with owen, so sweet already!

my boys!

link playing with sophie the giraffe. he giggles everytime it makes the "squeak" sound.


kinsey said...

so sweet! we need to get the boys together after the holidays!

klp said...

definitely! a play-date is in order!!!