

i'm the first one to admit that i am opinionated. and i should say before anyone reads this, i promise i'm not directing it at any one person in particular. i just need to get this off my chest.

in my adult life, i have had eras of presidents i voted for and did not vote for in office. i've even shared my own thoughts both aloud and sometimes here on my blog. BUT...

that said, i can't believe, can't even FATHOM some of the things i have heard come out of my friends mouths lately and opinions i see represented on some of my actual friends facebook pages, status updates and blogs (for one example, click here). at times it has been so mean, so hateful, so incredibly disrespectful, i just can hardly stand it to keep my mouth shut (but i do...at least until now!). i think it is great to share our opinions on whatever it is we are passionate about. it's a part of what makes us americans and makes our country great. but my goodness, there is no reason to share hate with the world. didn't our mamas teach us - "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?!"

i definitely want to do my best to present a world for my son in which he is able to explore different ideas, views of politics, religion and other issues. having been on both sides of the coin (agreeing and disagreeing with issues, ideas, philosophy, politicians), i want to instill an old-school, patriotic sense of pride in our country for our son. put your hand over your heart when saying the pledge. tear up when you see the flag being raised, take a moment to be thankful for our military...

and respect and pray for your president.

even if you didn't vote for him.


Faux Martha said...

I have been reading your blog from afar....but I couldn't agree with you more.....I am so done with the hate......THanks for being a bright spot.

klp said...

thanks for the kind words. good to know i have a kindred spirit out there!

Wes & Rachel Taylor said...

well said.

Unknown said...

amen, sister.

yarger gal said...
