
my funny valentine

this was a fun valentine's 24-hours. last night the hubs took me out for sushi - kenichi sushi, which is sushi on a whole 'nother level!! this is good, good grub, peeps. it's always nice to get a date night, not to mention time with my valentine, whatever the occasion, right??!?

today was link's day at school, so he had a big valentine party with his little friends and teachers. normally when i come to pick him up there is a moment of nervous cry and laughter while running for the door, desperate to be reunited with his mommy. WELL, for the first time EVER he didn't come running to the door when he saw me appear. instead, he waved and shoved another cookie in his mouth, all the while running to the teacher to beg for more. i was laughing right out loud. can you blame him? the boy has his priorities!

this afternoon we went to a neighbor's house for a cookie party and time in the bounce house. he had so much fun, got so dirty, and declared his love for all things bounce house. he was hurling himself in and out of that thing, with sticky face and fingers covered in dirt and grass and an adoring mom watching on from afar.

spring weather is upon us and we have been outside NON-STOP for the last few days. it's made me realize how much my boy has grown up since fall (when we were also outside non-stop with the great temps!). and considering in texas "winter weather" is typically only a couple of months, that was a lot of maturing pretty quick. but he is so much more independent and capable. so fun to see him growing into a confident, self-assured little boy.

what a day! i think valentine's day is a hit with this kid. and so are cookies. :)


Chrisann said...

Glad you guys had such a fun day! Link just gets cuter and cuter. What a lucky boy to have such a sweet mama (and huney of course!) Love you.

yarger gal said...

they just get so big and independant so fast...it's definitely a love/hate thing. happy heart day!