
let it snow, let it snow...

breckenridge just may possibly be the greatest place on earth. the ski trip was fabulous, the snow was, as the locals say, "epic." perfect weather, perfect time. i did not want to leave.

in fact, i recall about 3pm saturday afternoon, coming up the quicksilver lift, thinking to myself, in 36 hours, i will be at a desk checking my 4,000 emails and thinking...36 hours ago i was in a lift overlooking the mountains, snow, and all of the beauty of this resort and God's creation. and yes, that is what i am thinking. bummer.

all that said, i am back in reality with the rest of you weasels. thankful for a great trip, a beautiful place, friends, and that it's almost CHRISTMAS!!! no, not the "winter holidays," CHRISTMAS!! i am so fed up with this sheesh about having to worry about being PC about Christmas. it is, in all reality, a christian holiday. if you don't like it, celebrate festivus or something, but let me have my favorite holiday of the year!!! you can't take it away from me...please!?!?! ; )

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