

they say 30 is the new 20. i sure as heck hope so, because today i woke up T-H-I-R-T-Y.



growing up, i thought of thirty year-olds as people that have mortgages, spouses, jobs, kids, responsibilities...wait. crap. well, i can subscribe to a few of those things, but some i refuse to buy into yet. age is just a number, correct?

it seems like i just graduated from college. i am still in shock that i was old enough to get married last summer. i didn't feel old enough.

and the thought of having kids? frightening. i feel like i would get in trouble with my parents if i called and said i were pregnant. i mean teen pregnancy is bad, right? ; )

my dad and sister-in-law have already told me that being 30 is great. they say it gives you "credibility" with others when they hear you are 30. well that stinks! i felt completely credible yesterday and was unaware that i was not, in fact, previously credible. i think it's just a nice way of saying that i am getting older. and because i am a glass-half-full-kinda-gal, i'm going to embrace this and move on.

well...maybe tomorrow. ; )


mollie said...

welcome to what we have coined as our "dirty thirties"

of course the only thing dirty about my life is diapers, but a girl can dream, right? :)

Anonymous said...

happy bday pooks.

no diapers for us for a looong time..ok?

klp said...


gosh dang, i pray by diapers you mean kids and not depends undergarments. thirty is old but i hope it's not THAT old!

Holly said...

Happy Happy 30 Katy!! Hope you have a wonderful day!