
july 29th

they say time flies when you are having fun. well if that is true, then i must be having a blast, because i cannot believe that one year ago today i was preparing for one of the biggest days of my life - the day jay and i were married!

this time last year i was in breckenridge, colorado with over 100 of my closest friends and family, enjoying a weekend that could not have been more perfect. i was calm, cool, and collected - and just couldn't believe that the moment was finally upon me that we would be married.

the last year has been amazing. truly amazing - and i cannot tell you how happy i am to be married to jay. he is everything i ever dreamed of in a husband and more. i won't go too gushy on a public blog, but i just wanted to thank him for being a wonderful husband and my very best friend in the entire world. i love you, jay! happy anniversary...i look forward to many more to share together!


Anonymous said...


Jaty will live forever. This has been the best year ever. I love you so much and I can't wait to hit the Mansion tonight. You are my soulmate, my banker, my backbone and my companion for life. It is a good thing that I have the rest of my life to thank you for all you do for me because that is how long it is going to take.

I love you with all my heart and soul. You are truly God's Angel sent from Heaven.

Your man for ever be ever,

Holly said...

Happy Anniversary Katy and Jay!! It is amazing how the time flies. So glad that y'all have had such a good first year! Here's to many, many more!!