
1 month old


link turned one month old this weekend! i seriously can't believe it. he is doing so well. he has slept through the night a couple of times, is eating like a champ, holds his head up with ease, and even rolled over last week during tummy time (he LOVES that little "gym"). we are really enjoying him and have been able to get out a lot since he is such a good baby. he's been to most of our favorite restaurants (trying to stay on porches to avoid germs as best we can, for those of you that were concerned), out for walks everyday with the pups and his parents, and to the arboretum twice.

this is definitely the most enjoyable time i have ever had and i cannot BELIEVE how fast it is already going by. one month of pregnancy is an eternity, one month of babyhood is SOOOOO FAST!

love you, little link!


checking out mango the monkey

right after he rolled over - he was as surprised as i was!

so over the picture thing. hahaha


molly said...

boy can i see you in him - he is a true link - got that nose and eyes going!! HEHE LOVE the pics he is precious. Enjoy every minute they go so fast.

klp said...

awww thanks, molly! we love every inch of him - he is just such a precious little blessing! can't wait for you to get a chance to love on him. he deserves some aunt molly kisses!

yarger gal said...

omg...i can't believe it has already been a month. he is so precious!!

kinsey said...

he is so cute. and i agree that it goes too fast.

Chrisann said...

That was a fast month! He is so adorable. Glad things are going well and that you are having so much fun. I have a gift for Link. May give you a call Sunday afternoon. Alan is running a half marathon in Dallas. Love you guys!