
1, 2, 3...4 months old!

link is four months old! we had a big trip to the doc this week, complete with shots - which are no fun, but lucky for us, a bottle fixes everything with our boy. he did great. poor thing already has a tooth coming in, and the doc confirmed it. i guess that just means we are one step closer to having him indulge in chips and salsa with us. ; )

so here are the stats:

length: 27 inches (95%)
weight: 13.7 pounds (25%)
head: 17 inches (75%)

so once again, we are tall and skinny. very good! i was surprised he didn't weigh more, but i guess he is putting all his efforts into growing tall...that's what the doc said, since he eats SO MUCH. he takes about 6-8 oz at every feeding, so almost 40 a day!

rice cereal is just around the corner. that should make for some good photo ops! :)

happy four month birthday, link! and thank you, thank you, thank you, for being the world's sweetest little boy. you have totally spoiled me!!!!!

playing on saturday morning with mom and dad

first time in the "johnny jump-up"

playing with chopsticks at pf changs

"eating" chips and salsa at mi cocina


kinsey said...

soooooo cute...happy 4 months link!and a skinny boy!! he's what hank was at 2 months!!! ha! we really need to get them together :-)

yarger gal said...

such a cutie...happy 4th months!