

in order to get to know the readers of the blog more, we added the "follower" button to the sidebar. please join us so we can better know the folks who are checking in now and then.

sometimes i feel like the same two or three people comment (thank you for your comments!) and wonder if we have any other friends out there reading. i know that i read lots of blogs of people i don't know oh-so-well, and that's okay, just let us know you are out there. also in comments, let us know what you think about private blogs? i don't really understand why so many people are going "private" and thought i would ask...so please also let us know your thoughts in the comments section. is this something i need to do? thanks!


kinsey said...

of course i read! and comment ;-) and we went private strictly because of pictures. i've just heard stories about some major creeps out there and it freaked me out for them to have access to hank's pics--or my friend's and family's kids for that matter. i don't think there is anything wrong with not being private...just a preference we had once hank was born :-)

Lindsey said...

I read the blog all the time and should comment more! I'm great with you staying public or going private....as long as you'll let me into the blog if it's private! :)


katy said...

oh linds - i don't expect people to comment all the time, i am just curious who reads, and if i should just set this up as a private blog for link to read later and/or for jay and i to look back on, or if there are a few friends out there reading...thanks for your response, it's good to know!

Holly said...

Hey Katy,
Link is SO precious!! I love the video of him making his sweet sounds! Such a cutie pie. I went private on my weightloss blog for awhile, but it was really annoying to me. I loved all of the comments that I got from people I didn't necessarily know and when I went private, they weren't able to see the blog, and probably just didn't feel like they should ask if I'd invite them to it. Might be different with a family blog. My friends who have "gone private" (sounds sort of dirty for some reason!) did it because they don't necessarily want any and every JoeBlow to have the ability to look at it. My personal pref is to not go private, but I might feel very different about this when I have a little one. As for pictures, you can watermark them, but I'm sure smart computer people know how to remove watermarks. All this to say...I don't know. But I love your blog and if you do go private...please invite this JoeBlow!
Love you!!