
in the words of fergie, "i be up in the gym just a workin' on my fitness..."

my personal trainer :)

so the new year kind of came at a unique time for me. our gym has a beautiful childcare center that is only $6 extra bucks a month...the only caveat had been that link had to be at least 3 months old to go. so the last few months workouts have been the bob stroller, link, a pup, and me, hitting the streets. jogging, walking, whatever i could come up with, but it all was reliant upon the weather and the baby all working out for me. lucky for me i live in texas and have a baby that loves to be outside, so for the most part, i was able to get out everyday.

christmas day link turned three months old. that meant i had an easy new year's resolution...get my booty to the gym! so monday started my life back in the gym and i LOVED it. i expected to be a bit hesitant leaving him for the first time with someone other than family, but it worked out great. the girls that work there are adorable and absolutely love having him, so that makes it soooooo much easier. and i have had some great workouts on the elliptical, the treadmill, lifting weights, and even got in a yoga class yesterday. whew! it's so great, and i am loving the time to myself and the great workouts.

so i guess i am back in full swing. i figure i've been trying to watch what i eat, so some good workouts plus a good diet and surely i'll start to look somewhat "normal" again. pregnancy can be tough on a body, huh?!? anyway, i just wanted to share out loud how thankful i am for our wonderful gym + daycare, and that link seems to like it, too!

i love being sore from a good workout. it's amazing that even if you've been jogging, etc, when you add in some different workouts you are in for quite a sore bod! but i take it as a good sign that all those muscles are burning away baby weight and getting me back in good shape! hooray!


kinsey said...

love his sweatshirt...cute! where did you get it? hank needs some clothes...yeah right, but still, he might need another hoodie!

katy said...

haha - i'm sure he needs more clothes. :) but we got it at my fave store, "peek" at north park. it is so cute, says "captain" on the front and on the back, "don't give up the ship" - hilarious. GREAT STORE. it's our fave.

Unknown said...

Good for you. I got on the scale this morning and almost had a seizure, so I'm right there behind you.

mollie said...

you know you're preachin to the choir! and next time i'm in town i need to get a good shot of mr. owen for the blog!! he's the only member of the family i haven't photographed!! :)

katy said...

mols - we would love, LOVE you to get a good shot of big O (owen's new nickname). that's a definite on the to-do list! ; )